Education is the key to succeed and for all to succeed we have to acquire knowledge to face the challenging world. The word is advancing fast in technology and our duty is to advance with it in skills and creativity. Samarian organization is hereby ready to offer knowledge and skills through training programs to the youth and welfare associate to women. Also, we offer help and support to the disabled and orphans in the community by creating recognition and helping them to acquire all necessary rights awareness and participation in the society without bias or looked down upon.
We are hereby ready to co-ordinate/co-operate with other organizations stakeholders and the government to help build a better future and raise awareness on poverty eradication schemes through empowering women in welfare associates and help the youth participate in decision making for a harmonious development and self-skill entrepreneurship. Also, we provide education, social support and accessibility to the disabled.
Samarian organization understands that the Government cannot work solemnly rather with the NGO’S, CBO’s and CSO’s for the citizens prosperity and betterment /advancement of their living standards and those for disabled children. However, we offer early childhood development education to children aged 2-5 years through day care and nursery school ensuring all children get the basic education foundation through writing, reading and counting fluently with skill and knowledge. Nevertheless, create child recognition and rights known to them and to their parents and guardians and given the right to speech and awareness in accordance to the Tanzanian rules and regulations not forgetting the disabled among our communities.
Dedicated to save humanity by offering Knowledge,Vocational and Life skillstraining programs tovulnerable, marginalized,voiceless, underprivileged or disadvantages groups in order tosupport bring about a better living standard.
Committed to address the critical issues faced byvulnerable, marginalized, voiceless, underprivileged or disadvantages groups throughproviding them with essential needs such as safe shelter, food, healthcare, education,knowledge, vocationaland life skills training programs, without discriminating based on condition, gender, race, ethnicity or religion.