Samarian organization abbreviated as “SAO” is registered as Non-profit and Non-Governmental organization at 29th of January 2024 under the Non-Governmental Organizations Acts, 2002 with Registration number 00NGO/R/5151. The organization is entitled to operate in Tanzania mainland in accordance with its governing Constitution and the laws of the United Republic of Tanzania.
Samarian organization is aimed at saving the humanity by voicing out for the vulnerable, marginalized, voiceless, and underprivileged or disadvantages groups within our country as a whole. These include the children, young people with disabilities, orphans, street children, survivors of early marriages and child marriages, children living with foster parents and single parent children and not forgetting HIV/AIDS victims and cancer strike patients both women and children.
Committed to address the critical issues faced byvulnerable, marginalized, voiceless, underprivileged or disadvantages groups throughproviding them with essential needs such as safe shelter, food, healthcare, education,knowledge, vocationaland life skills training programs, without discriminating based on condition, gender, race, ethnicity or religion.
Dedicated to save humanity by offering Knowledge,Vocational and Life skillstraining programs tovulnerable, marginalized,voiceless, underprivileged or disadvantages groups in order tosupport bring about a better living standard..
Take a look at what people say about US
Samarian organization on 1- 3 August 2024 at Mbarali ward Mbeya district we held a training with day care owners and daycare givers aimed to build capacity on how to combat cross cutting issues which may erupt in their centers This was conducted by Reuben Mwabeza the CEO and Deborah Gordon the secretary..
Samarian organization caregivers are ready to help all disadvantages groupequally, without discriminating based on condition, gender, race, ethnicity or religion. Caregivers are tolerant, perseverant, wise, and have the ability to protect confidential information
Samarian organization caregivers prioritize learning – learning from other caregivers, from our experience (the action learning cycle), and other various ways, with the goal of continually improving our job performance. Caregivers are inquisitive, investigating deep.